
Book Review: Fighting Kudzu by Mystic Thompson

By |2020-03-28T13:42:20-05:00December 22nd, 2014|Categories: Archive, Book Review|Tags: , , , |

            In 1972 on a hot, late spring day in Georgia, five-year-old Noble Thorvald plays contentedly, alone in her suburban backyard. Her only companions...an imaginary professional football team. As she plays in her world of wonder and adventure, Noble is unaware of the challenges life will hurl in her direction-challenges that will redefine her more than once. Fighting Kudzu is the lyrical saga that traces Noble's life as she emerges into adulthood and discovers herself. The plot synopsis given on the back cover, and given above, of Fighting Kudzu by Mystic Thompson comes nowhere near the actual depth [...]

Halloween Reads

By |2020-03-28T13:42:28-05:00October 16th, 2014|Categories: Archive|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Looking for a good Halloween read? Fed up with the excessive cishetero-ness of most book lists? We've got you covered! To start you off, here are some realistic mystery/thriller novels with gay, bi, lesbian, and trans protagonists: Dark Tide by Greg Herren (Bold Strokes Books, 2014) For Ricky Hackworth, a summer job to save money before he leaves for college is a necessity. When he lands a job as a lifeguard at the Mermaid Inn in Latona, Alabama, on the beautiful Gulf Coast, it’s like a dream come true. But once he moves into the Inn, he starts [...]

Are Coming Out Stories Still Relevant in 2014?

By |2020-03-28T13:42:38-05:00October 10th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog|Tags: , |

by Amy Dunne Are coming out stories still relevant in 2014? It’s a question that can divide opinion. A little while ago, I attended a literary event that was full of people I didn’t know. A little group formed and I was taking part in their discussion. When asked what I do for a living, I experienced the usual moment of panicked hesitation that I’ve come to expect and struggled to decide on my answer. Should I have been honest and upfront, or should I have given the half truth answer that avoids potential awkwardness. The dilemma I’ve [...]

When Two Dads Are Better Than One

By |2020-03-28T13:42:38-05:00October 9th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog|Tags: , , |

By Jessica Verdi Website: http://jessicaverdi.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/JessVerdi When I began writing my first novel, My Life After Now (which was published in April of 2013), there were so many factors on my mind and story elements I wanted to be sure to get just right. The book is about sixteen-year-old Lucy Moore, a straight-A student and drama club star who makes a few bad decisions after a super bad week and, as a result, ends up testing positive for HIV. With a story like this, I was extra conscious to do as much research as it took to [...]

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Driving Lessons

By |2020-03-28T13:42:38-05:00October 7th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Author Interview|Tags: |

An Interview with Annameekee Hesik- Writer of Lesbian YA! My favorite part about bookstore readings is the end. No, not just because I can finally get off the stage (writers were not meant to be stared at- those are called actors), but because at the end of each reading I get to congratulate myself for not passing out and then answer fan questions. But since not all my fans can come to my readings, I have gathered some fan questions to answer right here, right now, just for you!     Question #1: Calina in Carmel, CA “Do [...]

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Recap: #JustGrace Book Launch

By |2020-03-28T13:42:38-05:00October 6th, 2014|Categories: Archive|Tags: , , , , |

The JustGrace book release part was a co-launch of Rachel Gold's new book Just Girls, and Juliann Rich's book Searching for Grace. It was so much fun guys. You shoulda been there.  We were invited to join Rachel for dinner beforehand (which unfortunately Kathleen was not able to make it to :( ) and she asked me a bunch of research questions for her next book. She also told me the premise of it and OH MY GOD you guys am I excited for it. Like I told her then, she has a talent of fufilling what I'm looking [...]

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Review: Lies We Tell Ourselves by Robin Talley

By |2020-03-28T13:42:39-05:00September 30th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Book Review, Teen Voices|Tags: , , , , |

by Laurel May When I heard this book was about an interracial lesbian couple living in the 1950's I immediately wanted it. I was just blown away by the idea of this story! Now that I have read it, I am blown away by the actual story. What an exceptional book! "Lies We Tell Ourselves" is not an easy read. You only have to look at the time period to understand why that is. This book is set in 1959, after the desegregation of Little Rock School. Here, Sarah and 10 other black students are the first to [...]

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Guest Post from Author KE Payne

By |2020-03-28T13:42:39-05:00September 26th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog|Tags: , |

Originally published on the UK Lesfic website. I did a Q&A on another author's blog a while ago, and I was asked what one message did I hope readers took away from my books? My answer was short and sweet: I wanted readers to know that it's okay to be gay, and that assertion was at the forefront of my mind when I started to write my latest Young Adult novel, Because of Her. I didn't want it to just be a let's run around and tell everyone how fab it is to be queer, I just wanted [...]

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Girl Sex 101

By |2020-03-28T13:42:41-05:00September 8th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog|Tags: , , , |

Editor's Note: There are NSFW text and images in this post.  How did you learn about sex? From health class? Your parents? Your first time? Porn? It’s hard to learn about sex at all, even harder if you’re on the LGBTQ spectrum. For that reason, many of us have to seek out info on our own, leading us to the internet or that more experienced friend. Sometimes that works out well. Other times, not so much. As a reader, I looked for books, finding a dark corner of the library where I could surreptitiously flip through pages. I [...]

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Wait! This novel has GAY people in it!

By |2020-03-28T13:42:42-05:00July 14th, 2014|Categories: Archive, Author Guest Blog, Book Club|Tags: , |

Molly Beth Griffin I didn’t start writing my first novel assuming that it would actually be read by anyone but me and my graduate school advisor, and maybe the memory of my teenage self. It was an experiment in longer-form fiction taken on by a self-defined picture book writer. But the project took flight, and after years of hard work, *Silhouette of a Sparrow *hit shelves in hardcover in 2012 and then again in paperback in 2013. Which was terrifying. Aside from the usual trepidation of a debut novelist, I had some added fears. Why? Because although the [...]

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