We accept submissions for guest blogs from writers, bloggers, readers, and anybody else with something to say or a story to tell. This blog is run by a combination of submitted and invited guest posts, so we need you to keep going!

If you are interested in blogging for us, please review the information below.

How to Submit: Email your submission to contact@yapride.org You may use one of two formats:

1) Email us with a little bit about yourself, the topic you plan to write about, and a link to your blog/other writing sample. We will consider and get back to you based on the quality of your writing samples and whether we think your proposed topic would be a good fit for our blog. (See below for details on good topics.)

2) OR, Email us the blog you would like to submit in its entirety. We will review the submission and get back to you within the week. If accepted, we are currently posting submissions 1-2 weeks from the time they are approved.

Please include a 1-2 sentence bio about yourself including links to your blog, Twitter, website, or tumblr. Please note that we do not offer monetary compensation of any sort, but are usually happy to help you out in other ways if we can. Just ask!

A Few Words of Advice:

Topics: We will consider any topic that is related to LGBTQIA+ YA, however please be aware that we try to avoid repeating similar takes on identical topics. The more specific you can be, the more likely we are to accept your submission. Don’t hesitate to send in a few topics (no more than 5) and we’ll let you know which ones we can accept.

Length:  Please keep your post between 500 and 2,500 words. If it is over or under either of those numbers and you feel the length is necessary, include a line in your email explaining why.

Multimedia: We strongly believe it’s important for people from diverse subcultures to support each other in the fight. We are open to featuring film, webseries, music, podcasts, comics, webcomics, and visual art provided it relates to the topic at hand. If you are planning on including multimedia, please send the submission in its entirety with images, video, or other files attached.

If you have questions, leave them in the comments or email contact@yapride.org!